
A product,
a solution.

B&C is able to study and propose solutions for any product the customer intends to develop or improve. Thanks to the experience of its technicians, BC recommends the best system of thickeners, stabilizers and gelling agents to give the finished product optimal appearance, structure, and stabilization.

Thickening and Gelling Agents

Locust Bean Gum
Guar Gum
Depolimerized Guar
Tara Gum
Xanthan Gum
Acacia Gum
Gellan Gun
Starches and Maltodextins

Stabilizers for Ice-Cream

Artisan Ice Cream
Cream Fiber
Extruded Ice Cream
Ice Cream Ripples
Ice Lollies
Premium Extruded Ice Cream
Premium Molded Ice Cream
Sorbet Fruit Ice Cream
Soft Ice Cream

Stabilizers for Desserts

Chocolate Pudding
Creme Caramel

Stabilizers for Drinks

Chocolate Milk
Stabildrink Plus

Stabilizers for Sauces

Mayonesse (15% fats)
Mayonesse (30-50% fats)
Salad Dressing

Organic ingredients

Oat Fiber
Coconut Cream (65% fat)
Coconut Cream (24% fat)
Sunflower Lecithin
Acacia Gum
Rice Starch
Cheddar Cheese

Thickening and Gelling Agents

Locust Bean Gum
Guar Gum
Depolimerized Guar
Tara Gum
Xanthan Gum
Acacia Gum

Descrizione: Agente detergente molto delicato contenen- te il 36% di sostanza attiva. Pur avendo una struttura anionica ha un comportamento da tensioattivo non ionico. Può essere usato  anche come tensioattivo primario.

Gellan Gum
Starches and Maltodextins

Stabilizers for Ice-cream

Artisan Ice Cream
Cream Fiber
Extruded Ice Cream
Ice Cream Ripples
Ice Lollies
Premium Extruded Ice Cream
Premium Molded Ice Cream
Sorbet Fruit Ice Cream
Soft Ice Cream

Stabilizers for Desserts

Chocolate Pudding
Creme Caramel

Stabilizers for Drinks

Chocolate Milk
Stabildrink Plus

Stabilizers for Sauces

Mayonesse (15% fats)
Mayonesse (30-50% fats)
Salad Dressing

Organic ingredients

Oat Fiber
Coconut Cream (65% fat)
Coconut Cream (24% fat)
Sunflower Lecithin
Acacia Gum
Rice Starch
Cheddar Cheese

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